HubSpot’s March 2023 releases: The manager’s guide

AI-infused HubSpot has a content assistant and ChatGPT+CRM. Plus, updates to campaigns, customer journey reporting and more.

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In addition to the generative AI content assistant and ChatSpot alpha product, HubSpot’s March releases include pop-up CTA tracking in campaigns and adding event data to customer journey maps.

Here are the latest HubSpot updates relevant for managers: 

  • AI content assistant (Beta)
  • ChatSpot: combining ChatGPT and HubSpot CRM (Alpha)
  • Associate “Pop-up CTAs” with campaigns (Beta)
  • Use event integration data in Customer Journeys reporting
  • Filters for date properties on object index pages
  • Create Multiple Knowledge Bases (Beta)
  • Drag-and-drop blog post editing modules 
  • Create random splits in lists (Beta)
  • Make files expire in the file manager
  • Use business days in task due date workflows (Beta)
  • User records (Beta)
  • Property validations for more properties

Accelerate content creation and complete simple tasks faster with baked-in generative AI

Doing more with less seems to be the mantra for 2023. Likely, you are now asked to create more content, run more campaigns and do more reporting with a smaller team than last year. 

HubSpot’s new AI content assistant (beta) can help your team quickly create ideas, outlines and drafts for blogs, landing pages, emails and other content without leaving HubSpot or learning a new tool. 

Other tasks — status updates, drafting follow-up emails, finding and creating reports — can be accomplished using prompts in HubSpot’s ChatSpot tool, which combines ChatGPT and your HubSpot portal’s data and tools. ChatSpot is in alpha and will become more useful over time as it learns from the early adopters and new features are released based on user feedback.

Join the waitlist for both products here.

Pop-ups now included and tracked in Campaign Tools

Using pop-ups to direct users to HubSpot website pages or external pages is an effective way to direct them to landing pages, meeting links and more using banners or popups containing pop-up CTAs (beta). 

You can now see these new CTAs inside the campaigns tool as “CTAs (Beta).” The original CTAs are labeled “Calls-to-action” in the Campaigns tool and “CTAs (Legacy)” during creation. 

Use Event data integrations to create more accurate Customer Journeys 

If events are part of your marketing strategy, you can create a broader and more accurate view of all the customer touchpoints by adding event integration data into the Customer Journey Analytics we reported in November. These reports are now out of beta.

Segment records ‘more/less than [x] days ago’ in object index record pages

View and save more accurate segments of your records on the main object index records page using the new filter for “is more/less than [x] days ago.”

For example, create a filter for contact records created in the last seven days and save that view to easily revisit it without inputting a different date range each time.  

Create different Knowledge Bases to better serve different audiences

Segment your knowledge base content more easily and securely using the new feature to create multiple Knowledge Bases for documentation. Previously, partitioning content in your knowledge base for internal users, customers and the public required using lists and assigning permissions at the article level. That process was difficult to maintain and often resulted in emails sent to contacts by mistake. 

Now you can create up to five separate knowledge bases for different kinds of users and other brands or products, making the search function more accurate and less overwhelming for each audience.

Enable faster blog customizations using drag-and-drop editing modules 

Avoid unsightly off-brand hacks and time-consuming developer requests by using the new release to drag and drop modules into your blog posts’ rich text areas while editing posts.

In the theme of doing more with less, this feature enables your creative team to publish more blog posts without custom development time.

Create random splits in Lists for A/B testing

Last month, the release of random samples in Lists helped eliminate manual spreadsheet exports and imports when segmenting lists for content testing.

This month’s beta release to create random splits in Lists further increases the quick in-HubSpot segmentation work for A/B testing and other uses without needing complicated math equations. 

Inspire action, increase security and keep your portal clean using expiration dates for files

If you want to inspire customers or leads to take action by viewing or downloading a file from the file manager in a certain timeframe while keeping your database clear of old or non-relevant files, use the new expiration dates in the file manager to automatically send files to the trash on a certain date and time.

Note that these are not the Sales tool Documents, where deleting documents would also delete the analytics of who viewed the files, for how long, etc.

Auto-generate more accurate tasks in workflows using task due dates counting business days 

Create more accurate and useful tasks automatically using workflows, with the new beta feature that only counts business days when setting task due dates and reminder dates.

Previously, tasks may have been due on a weekend, which required manual updates or incorrectly overdue tasks shown in your reporting. This update may also help with adoption and attention to tasks, ensuring your teams respond quickly to critical work such as lead follow-up.

View and change user records more easily in User Records

Admins can ensure your team has the correct first and last names, permissions and other settings in one centralized place in the new User Records (beta), which allow admins to edit settings on behalf of the users.

Ideally, in future releases, this user record will expand to be a full object and eliminate tedious workarounds such as making contact records for every employee to enroll them in workflows for internal communications, streamlining employee onboarding and offboarding.

Reduce manual data cleanup using expanded property validation

If you want your team to spend less time on manual data cleanup and more time on strategic projects that achieve your department goals, property validation now includes custom text, number and date picker properties to help ensure the necessary data is entered correctly the first time. This release promotes higher-quality data for more accurate reporting and decisions.


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About the author

Jen Bergren
Jen is the head of operations at Remotish, a HubSpot RevOps and WebOps agency. Her work includes creating plans, processes and programs such as a knowledge management program (wiki), a comprehensive employee onboarding program and a referral partner program that generates 45% of company revenue and earned her the 2022 Heroes of RevOps award from She was a lesson professor for the HubSpot Revenue Operations certification, a RevOps correspondent at INBOUND2021 and a panelist on the INBOUND After Hours show and the MoPros Career Fair. Jen is currently writing a book about RevOps, to combine her love of research, writing and lifelong learning.

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